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pepperoni Pizza

Pepperoni – The Favorite Pizza Topping in America

Pizza is undoubtedly delicious, and if there’s one option people would agree on when it comes to food, it would be pizza. However, things become a bit complicated when it’s time to choose the toppings because some people choose between vegan or meat options, while others want them to be plain and cheesy. If toppings have always been a cause for a petty argument, or perhaps, confusion, could it be that your preference or your friends’ are not aligned to America’s favorite pizza toppings?

Here are the top eight pizza toppings that most Americans just love:

  1. Pepperoni
  2. Sausage
  3. Garlic
  4. Olives
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Onions
  7. Chicken
  8. Oregano

Undoubtedly, pepperoni remains at the top of the list. Domino’s Pizza’s executive vice president of operations, Scott Hinshaw, attests to the pepperoni’s popularity. Ever since he started in the industry over 35 years ago, he said that about 30% of its pizzas were ordered with pepperoni, and it is now at 50%. In 2017, Domino’s had29 million pounds of pepperoni.

Moreover, the online ordering platform, Slice, released its first annual pizza report andshowed that pepperoni is the most ordered topping.

Despite the popularity of pepperoni, the preference for toppings still varies by age and location. In fact, according to YouGov, people in the West are likely to pick pineapple as their favorite topping, and people between the age of 18 and 34 tend to favor pineapple over pepperoni.

America’s Love For Pizza

Harris Polls conducted asurvey to see what is American’s favorite comfort food, and 15% of the survey listed pizza as number one. The survey was conducted to 2,252 adults, in which 15% chose pizza as their top while chocolate and ice cream tied at 7% each.

What drove the success of this delicacy in the US is because it’s cheap and delicious. Also, it allows for customizable ingredients. Furthermore, it provides versatility, especially for groups with diverse eating habits.

Due to the Americans’ love for pizza, by the end of 2015, there were over 70,000 pizzerias in the country, which is more than the number of hospitals in the US! That said, it has a huge impact on the country’s economy. From 2012 to 2015, Americans spent over $150 billion dollars on pizza. The love for this delicacy will always stay, and pizza chains don’t have to fear in the next few years because Americans will continue buying them.


Were you surprised to find out that pepperoni is the top pizza topping in America? Pepperoni, with its smoky flavor, really does the trick—it’s the perfect combination to the cheese, tomato sauce, and the dough of the pizza. In fact, you can have a pepperoni alone, and you still will get the ultimate dining experience. Besides pepperoni, Americans also love sausage, mushrooms, and other vegetables (and fruits) on their pie!

Keep in mind as well that the preference for toppings still varies based on age and location, which is something that you need to consider as well. For example, should you meet some people from the West, you might be surprised that they enjoy fruits, particularly pineapple, on their pizza! Nonetheless, pepperoni has become a staple topping and over the years, and it still is the best one for Americans.

Get delicious pizza here at Doreen’s Pizzeria in Dyer, IN. We offer delivery, carry out, dine-in, and catering options that will suit your different needs. Get in touch with us today to see how we can best satisfy your cravings!

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